Through the support of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, we are pleased to offer our hands-on, technology-driven in-school and out-of-school programs to Connecticut public school teachers and students.

SmG8I4JASON Learning will provide the following opportunities to students and educators in CT public schools through the 2016-17 academic school year:

  1. JASON in-school
    Curricular themes include: Climate, Weather, Geosphere, Ecology, Forces and Motion, and Energy

    • Professional development workshops in JASON curricula that include a teacher pack (student edition, teacher edition, and DVD)
    • Free Online access to all JASON curricular resources housed in the Mission Center.
    • CT public school educators can click the button below and obtain access for themselves and their students.

    CT Public School Teachers click here to create
    your account
  2. JASON’s Immersion Learning out-of-school (best for in-school elementary levels, after-school programs, summer camps, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and other out-of-school venues)
    • Professional development workshops in JASON’s Immersion curricula that include print manual, CD  and DVD.
    • Multimedia resources housed on the Immersion website at


JASON Learning Professional Development Opportunities

LEARN, Old Lyme, CT Resilient Planet Jan 14, 2016 $25 per person
LEARN, Old Lyme, CT Climate: Seas of Change Feb 3, 2016 $25 per person
LEARN, Old Lyme, CT NGSS-JASON Sampler for Grades 6-8 Apr 7, 2016 $25 per person

We are pleased to be able to offer an array of programs and opportunities for Connecticut students and educators that utilize the collective resources of our divisions.

JASON Learning provides multimedia curricular experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for K-12 students and corresponding professional development for educators in a wide variety of formal and informal educational environments. JASON’s effective standards-based curricula have won more than a dozen national awards for inspiring and motivating students in STEM. The flexible instructional materials are easy-to-use and empowering for science teachers and youth service providers alike. Each comprehensive JASON program includes reading selections, hands-on activities, videos, and online games for students, as well as lesson plans, implementation tips, and a powerful digital platform for educators. Live, interactive events throughout the year connect JASON participants with inspirational STEM career role models. JASON’s in-school curricula cover core content areas and can be used as replacements for traditional textbooks or as enriching supplemental materials. JASON’s after-school offerings, which include the popular Immersion Learning program, bring the thrill of scientific discovery to students in Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, 21st Century Learning Centers, and other out-of-school settings.

JASON enjoys premier partnerships with public and private organizations that include NOAA, NASA, National Geographic Society, U.S. Department of Energy, Smithsonian Institution, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Battelle, and Chevron. JASON reaches over two million students a year, and general audiences of over six million through content distributed by its affiliate and partnership associations. Its programs are used in every State in the U.S., and internationally in over 150 countries.

Click here to contact us for more information!