ReMA Recycling Collection | Grades K-12    >   Community Challenge - Design for Recycling®

Helpful Links: Design for Recycling®

Students are introduced to some of the resources and tools they can use to help them develop their solution.

Article Title:

Helpful Links: Design for Recycling®


Students are introduced to some of the resources and tools they can use to help them develop their solution.

Target Grade Level: 

Grades K-12*

Discipline or Course (Audience): 

All disciplines

Time Frame: 

Introducing the Resource: 5 - 10 minutes

Using the Resource: Varying time frames throughout the challenge as students re-engage with the Helpful Resources.

Suggested Grouping: 

Individual or Small group

Key Vocabulary:

Waste, upcycle, circular economy

Educator Prep: 

In this part of the challenge, students will conduct the research necessary to design and pitch their solutions. We have included several resources that students might find helpful as they learn more about waste and existing solutions. These resources include articles, websites, videos, and more. Students are encouraged to explore these resources and go beyond those listed on the website to learn as much as they can about the issues surrounding waste and landfills prior to designing their solutions and as they continue to test and refine their solutions. You might have to do some research with the students and suggest phrases for them to Google if they are trying to find additional resources to help develop their ideas and businesses.

Adaptations for younger students:

For students in grades K-3, some of the articles could be read aloud to students or assigned to be read with family members at home.  Links that are more accessible have been marked with an asterisk.