Design & Pitch Challenges In STEM 1 | Math, Entrepreneurship    >   Building Algorithms

Technical Brief Grading Rubric - Building Algorithms

Use this rubric to make sure that your solution covers all the required areas for Building Algorithms.

Grading Rubric
  Getting Started Improving Good Excellent
Describe your solution. We did not describe how to use our algorithm.

We did not represent it with an algebraic expression.

We did not explain the meaning of each coefficient, term, and variable.
We described how to use our algorithm.

We represented it algebraically with an algebraic expression. 

We explained the meaning of each coefficient, term, and variable. Our description is missing important information.
We described to use our algorithm.

We represented it algebraically with an algebraic expression.

We  explained the meaning of each coefficient, terms, and variable. Our description is missing some information or our algebraic expression contains an error.
We included a complete and accurate description of our algorithm.

We represented it algebraically with an an algebraic expression.

We explained the meaning of each coefficient, term, and variable. The algebraic expression does not contain any errors.
Explain how your solution works. We did not describe the variables we used in our algorithm.

We did not explain how each variable was weighted or how the algorithm can be used to find a rate/rank.
We described the variables we used in our algorithm, and the weights we assigned to them.

We did not explain how to use our algorithm to find a rate/rank or our explanations were not accurate for our algorithm.
We described the variables we used in our algorithm, and the weights we assigned to them, and how we chose those weights.

We explained how to use our algorithm to find a rate/rank. Explanations contained only small errors.
We described the variables we used in our algorithm, and the weights we assigned to them, and how we chose those weights.

We explained how to use our algorithm to find a rate/rank. Explanations contained no errors.
Show how your solution works. We did not show how to calculate a rate/rank using our algorithm.

We did not include a table for our category.
We showed how to calculate a rate/rank using our algorithm.

We included a table for our category. Calculations were not accurate or our table did not match our algorithm.
We showed how to calculate a rate/rank using our algorithm.

We included a table for our category. Calculations or table contained one to two minor errors.
We showed how to calculate a rate/rank using our algorithm.

We included a table for our category. Calculations and table contained no errors.
Explain how your business will make money. We did not describe how our business will make money. We described how our business will make money.

We did not include calculations to support our claims.
We described how our business will make money.

We included calculations to support our claims. Calculations contained one or two minor errors.
We described how our business will make money.

We included calculations to support our claims. Calculations contained no errors.

Click here for a printable version of this document: Article - Technical Brief Grading Rubric (PDF)