In June 2024, the JASON Argonauts embarked on an unforgettable adventure to Madera Canyon, nestled in the Sonoran Desert south of Tucson, Arizona.
This year’s expedition, “Sky Islands BioQuest: Exploring Arizona’s Bug Diversity Amid Climate Change,” was all about hands-on, inquiry-driven research in one of the most unique ecosystems in the world.
This expedition was led by Jude Kesl, JASON Argonaut Expedition Leader, and two passionate entomologists, Kristie Reddick, M.S. and Jessica Honaker, M.S., aka “The Bug Chicks.” The Bug Chicks are renowned for designing and conducting original research on arthropods and the effects of climate change on desert ecosystems, bringing their expertise to enrich the Argonauts’ exploration.
The Argonauts explored desert biodiversity and dove into several fascinating projects. They studied water-dependent bird diversity, explored how pigments affect scorpion fluorescence, and examined how water influences sycamore leaf density and the soil’s biotic components. This hands-on research wasn’t just about learning facts; it was about truly experiencing science in action.

One of the standout moments was the Argonauts’ visit to Biosphere 2, where they saw the challenges of recreating and sustaining ecosystems for space travel. They also had the unique opportunity to learn from David Tenario, Assistant Supervisor at the San Xavier District Natural Resources Department and a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation, about efforts to restore riparian habitats, emphasizing the real-world importance of conservation.

Throughout the expedition, the Argonauts tried delicious southwestern food, stayed at the breathtaking Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER) field station, and discovered an array of beautiful and bizarre plants, insects, and wildlife. One highlight was an awe-inspiring astronomy lesson under the stars on the summer solstice!

As the week wrapped up, each research group presented their findings through engaging presentations, which they’ll share with their schools and communities back home. After enduring the blazing desert heat (up to 114 degrees Fahrenheit), the Argonauts experienced the season’s first monsoon, adding a dramatic and refreshing end to their adventure in Arizona.

Argonaut expeditions go beyond exploration and research. They’re about personal growth, sparking wonder and joy, and forging connections and memories that last a lifetime. For more information about the JASON Argonaut Program, visit