Secondary Collections for a Single Classroom | Grades 6-12


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Annual Membership for 30 or 150 students providing access to ALL of our Secondary-focused (Middle and High School, Grades 6-12) award-winning STEM content! This includes everything for your Grade 6 to Grade 12 student – Science, Technology, Career, Math, Project-Based-Learning and more! Every collection is standards-aligned and curated to feature the specific skills needed for student success and ease of use for teachers.  Check out the collection list below for the diverse STEM offerings available to educators through JASON’s STEM Library! (If you need more than 150 students, email, and we can build you a custom quote to meet your needs!)

This membership includes the following curriculum collections:

2D Design
3D Design
Animation with Wick Editor
App Development
ARGO Math: (Algebra)
ARGO Math: (Geometry)
Beyond the Water Bottle – Design Thinking Challenge (VIMS)
Building a Greater Digital Future: Data Centers
Climate: Seas of Change
Coding with Arduino
Coding with Python
Coding with Java
Coding with C++
Coding with Swift Playground
Coding with Processing
CompTIA A+: Hardware
CompTIA A+: Software
CompTIA Nework+
CompTIA Security+
Computer Music
CTE: Advanced Manufacturing – Details Make All the Difference
CTE: Advanced Manufacturing – Innovating through Digital Design
CTE: Advanced Manufacturing – Sensors are Essential
CTE: Advanced Manufacturing – SPARK
CTE: Broadband – Internet for All
CTE: Engineering – Designing to Make a Difference
CTE: Engineering Workspace: Exploring & Monitoring the Ocean
CTE: HVAC-Climate Controlled
CTE: HVAC – Keeping You in the Comfort Zone
CTE: Think Digital: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cutting Edge
CyberSecurity & Digital Citizenship (Grades 6-8)
CyberSecurity & Digital Citizenship (Grades 9-12)
Data Analysis (Grades 9-12)
Design & Pitch – Round 1 – Middle School Math
Design & Pitch – Round 2 – High School Math
Design Thinking
Environment and Technology
Film & Photography
Financial Literacy (Grade 3-8)
Financial Literacy (Grade 9-12)
Infinite Potential
Innovation Sandbox
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Blockchain
Introduction to Computers & Computer Science (Grades 6-8)
Introduction to Computers & Computer Science (Grades 9-12)
Introduction to Cryptography
Intro to Databases (coming soon!)
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Networks
Living Well
Making Waves: Exploring Connections between STEM and Music
Molecular Frontiers
Monster Storms
Next Breath
Pathways to Success: Career Explorations
Public Speaking
ReMA Recycling Activities Collection
Resilient Planet: Ecology, Biodiversity, Invasive Species
Robotics with Dash
Robotics with Lego EV3 (Mac)
Robotics with Lego EV3 (Windows)
Robotics with Lego Spike
STEM vs. Disease
STEM Ready: Seeking Sustainable Energy Solutions
Storytelling with Minecraft™
Tectonic Fury
Terminal Velocity
The Internet of Things
Trustworthy AI: Computer Vision Essentials
Universal Constants
Video Game Design with MakeCode Arcade
Web Development
Wetlands: Race to Restore
World of Waves
Young Entrepreneurs

Additional information

No. of Students

up to 30, up to 150